Welcome to THS Early Years! If you're looking for help with preparing your preschool child for a happy and confident start to school, you're in the right place.
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It's like having an Early Years Teacher in your Pocket!
I'm Tina, an early years teacher with a passion for helping parents and children to be ready for a positive start to school.
My 30 year career working with children and parents in early years settings has shown me time and again that, given the right opportunities and guidance, preschool children can be wonderfully confident, independent and resilient.
I'm also an expert in all things related to school readiness.
I'm here to help you understand how you can support your preschool child to become school ready by developing skills and attitudes that will ensure a happy and positive start to school.
You can start by joining my FREE Facebook group School Ready with THS Early Years - for Parents of 3-5yr olds | Facebook for information about school readiness, and tips & ideas for ways that you can support your child to be ready for a confident start to school.
Also, don't forget to join my School Ready Newsletter to bust the myths about school readiness and discover what your child REALLY needs to know and be able to do ready for starting school, and HOW you can help them to to be ready for a positive start.
Are you worried about your child starting school?
Do you wonder if they will be able to listen to the teacher, ask for help, speak up for themselves, or make friends?
Do you worry that they will struggle to be independent, to take care of themselves and their belongings, or to be away from you in a new environment?
Do you wonder how they will cope in school when things are difficult or when things don't go their way?
Are you unsure about what your child needs to know or be able to do ready for starting school?
I can help!
As an experienced early years teacher and preschool owner I spend every day helping parents and children to be ready for a positive start to school life.
I can bust the myths about school readiness and explain exactly what Reception class teachers will expect your child to know and be able to do when they start school.
I am passionate about giving every child a happy and confident start to their school journey so that they discover early on that learning is fun and that school is a great place to be!
I'm a firm believer that, given the right support and opportunities, every child can be an independent and capable person, a confident communicator and an interested and enthusiastic learner.
These skills and characteristics will set them up, not only for a positive start to school, but also for life.
As both an early years teacher and a mum, I've experienced starting school from both sides. I've helped countless parents to overcome their worries, develop their child's skills and understand the whole process of starting school so that their children enjoy a happy start and thrive in Reception class.
I can share tips, tricks, ideas and information so that you and your child are ready for a positive start to their school journey.