The School Ready Blog

Too Much! Helping your Child to Make Choices and Remain Focussed

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Does your child flit quickly from one thing to another without stopping to play with anything for long?

Do they leave a trail of toys all over the house?

Do they seem to prefer tipping out boxes of toys rather than playing with them?

Do they have an enormous collection of toys and yet can find ‘nothing to do’?

The reason could well be that there is just too much!

Preschoolers are still learning how to make choices and so too much choice can be overwhelming for under-5’s.

A small selection …

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They're Shy - Helping your Child to become a Confident Communicator

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Young children tend not to be ‘shy’ in the way that we understand it as adults. However they will quickly pick up on that label and apply it to themselves if they hear adults describe them that way.

With practice and support, every child can speak confidently in social situations.

If your child is reluctant to speak at times suggest what they might be finding difficult about that particular conversation and help them to find the right words, rather than describing them as ‘shy’.

For example, …

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